Monday, January 05, 2009

day dreamin'

While commuting to work this morning I closed my eyes to catch up on some sleep. Heavy breathing began to form a comforting rhythm. As I shut my eyes all I could imagine was living in the woods in a cozy log cabin, sitting by the fireplace with three beautiful big dogs at my feet. I pictured there to be hot tea at hand with homemade cookies to dip. The warmth of the fire kissed my face while I stared out the bay window to see snow capped mountains and a large half frozen river running along a gate of tall naked trees. Photographs and paintings consumed the wooden walls as I walked around the warm house in my underwear and t-shirt; barefoot. I could imagine baking fruitful pies, and learning how to knit as well as playing the piano while humming the words of a classic love song- the kind that takes you back to when you first fell in love.

Although my day dream is romanticized, I crave it so bad that I can smell the sweet spices of the air...the crisp scent of apples and bark, mixed with pine and brown sugar.

After fantasizing the future I gained consciousness before exiting the train. With the first step off the ramp I smiled and thought....someday.

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