Friday, February 04, 2011

An email from a friend.

I received an email from a friend this morning that struck a chord. It's an interesting perspective that I think people have a hard time seeing from time to time.

The email reads,

"The thing about life, coming from someone who can't manage his own, is its best lived impulsively.
Everything is easier said through lyrics to songs and cliched nonsense. But, honestly, how many times is one expected to say "Carpe Diem" before it becomes a crutch. Everyone grew up wondering and thinking how things would turn out for me. There were always movies and songs to go by, problem being they are all songs based on other peoples experiences and journeys. It's real tricky to distinguish idolization from inspiration. Does that make sense? Maybe we tell ourselves that the words other people have written are similar to the ones we would write ourselves, or maybe we just take them for granted and are too lazy to write them. Or, perhaps, our lives are lived across so many creative outlets that it is hard to distinguish the best from pointless. Maybe is a terrible word. It has always been there to keep me from doing something that I should have. Maybe I should paint almost always means that I will push it off until the next day. It is odd, these days, that we can gain some sort of feeling of accomplishment from simply bitching about not doing something.
Hopefully, one day, we can reach a point where we can look back and say, "I did THAT.", not "I did something" or "I made a difference", but I did something that I cared enough to do. From what I have seen so far, no one has any answers to any fucking question. And why should they? Young or old, who knows anything? No one. And in a way that is beautiful. Not in a sunset on the beach beautiful, but rather a fuck it let's have a good time beautiful. (ALL of this is based on me not having kids, not having much responsibility and having a roof over my head.)

If you WANT to do something, you'll do it. Never regret skipping a night of painting to sit in your bed and watch movies.
Think BIG.
Live selfishly."

True words from a good friend.


Kaitlin said...
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Kaitlin said...

Well said