I'm taking bets to see how long it is going to take me to get home tonight. My bus is scheduled to leave NYC Port Authority @7pm and is supppoooosee to arrive in Boston @ 11:30pm ( which means I will get into Manch around 12:30pm). I am preparing myself for the worst. The worst being we are stuck in massive amounts of traffic that is...
Although I might suffer frustrations with getting home, I am looking forward to staying cuput for over a week or so, seeing old/familiar faces and eating home cookin'...thank the lord.
You were in my dreams the other night. I can't eat an English Muffin Pizza without thinking about you. You must know that you are missed terribly and that there are a lot of people here who care about you and wish that you were here. My thoughts are with you and your family during the holidays.
How awesome would it be to make beautiful commercials...mhmm...
I'm going to be in a show!!! Woo. It's a touring show where my work will be in galleries around the states...such locations being: Atlanta, GA + Washington, DC + Philadelphia, PA + Boston, MA + Chicago, IL + St. Louis, MO + Brooklyn, NY. Amanda (amandaatkins.blogspot.com) encouraged me to sign up for the show,thanks lady lady.
check it outs: http://www.arthousecoop.com/sketchbookproject
ANND of course...in lue of the holidays...this is always a good time...
“The domino effect is a chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence.“ - wikipedia.org
It is almost inevitable these days to feel some form of vulnerability. Through negative thought, one sometimes finds it difficult to see past the edge of their nose. By creating great efforts and redirection in thinking, I have become familiar with the idea of turning a negative into a positive. This ideology does not happen overnight but is something that improves as you take one day at a time.
I recently took a mini trip to good ol' Boston this past weekend. Many adventures and hugs were shared. As much as it makes me miss the home that I have created there, I am pleased to know that no matter where my direction in life takes me I will always have something of importance back in beantown. For that I am forever thankful.
While growing up I participated in numerous confessional exercises with thanks to being born under a religion culture that took pride in showing forgiveness. I remember being very young and awaiting my time in a line that seemed like miles, just thinking about the terrible things that I could tell the higher beings in order to withhold a clean slate. It took me a while to go over everything in my head...how I could be nicer to my younger sister...instead of teasing her and scaring her and telling her she was adopted... I also thought about how I could help my parents out more around the house, doing the proverbial house chores and paying no mind to trashy television.
With it being almost ten years after my last confession, I find that it is about time I clear my conscious. Without showing mockery to how I was raised I would like to share with you a secret that not many people know…So, here goes nothing…
I had a bed wetting problem until the age of ten. Ok, maybe it was more like eleven. No big deal.